TommyKnocker Golf® Quickstart
1. All players tee off. Just like a traditional scramble, the best ball is selected and that player receives a point.
2. Play continues using the above format. players earn points if their shot is selected for all to play.
3. The player with the most points at the end of the round…wins! Foursome and tournament winners are eligible for “the TommyKnocker Golf® gold Medal”.
Q: What are we supposed to do if more than one player has a great shot??
A: All players evaluate the lie, approach obstacles, green quantity to work with, distance, etc. for the next shot. It’s very simple to determine who wins the point if you do that. If you’re still challenged that both are equal, flip a coin (or a tee).
Wounded Warrior painted by President George W. Bush
Suggested Rules
1. The Tommyknocker can be played in 9 hole or 18 hole “Tournaments”. In both cases, if a larger group is participating, 1 additional hole is played. The additional hole is a playoff hole.
2. Foursome participants all tee off. The group decides which ball will be the 2nd shot similar to a traditional scramble. Whoever hit that selected ball scores a point.
3. Play continues in the scramble format as the foursomes select the winning ball and award points to that player accordingly.
4. The winner is determined simply by whoever scores the most points. Participants concentrate their effort in all aspects of the game. However, their individual strengths will win points whether they are putters, approach shots, chipping, or driving.
5. Participants with advanced ability (low handicap) are encouraged to play their own ball. These players must shoot a final score pre-determined that is within their handicap in order to proceed to the playoff hole. (example: a 4-handicap player will need to shoot a 40 for 9 holes).
6. The playoff hole is gross score, playing their own ball to determine the winner. In cases where all playoff participants have an official handicap, Tournament organizers may choose a net score to determine the winner.
· If a player hits a ball that is unplayable, out-of-bounds, lost, etc. that player deducts a point. This rule serves as an incentive to keep the ball in play
· Shots made (holed) outside of 25 feet earn 2 points. This rule can be enhanced for additional points for exceptional approach, sand, chips, etc. depending on the Tournament organizer.
· All players will have the opportunity to putt. If the putt is inside 1 club length, each player will have the opportunity to putt and earn a point.