TommyKnocker Golf® “First Family”
My name is Tom Lundin and I live near Raleigh, NC.
In 2016, I started a family tournament that was named in a random fashion by my sister Mary. Our first “official” tournament was in Killarney, Ireland in 2016. The TommyKnocker Golf® traveling trophy follows this family competition.
The spirit of The TommyKnocker Golf® game is to promote participation and love of friendly competition among seasoned golfers and new (or novice) golfers. The tournament encourages and awards excellent shots (the point system), but TommyKnocker Golf® also celebrates improvements of individual players shots. It’s those individual shots that keep the handicap golfer inspired to keep playing and improve over time.
TommyKnocker Golf® is a State of North Carolina non-Profit Corporation (ncgs55A-1-40(4) and an entity of Global Health Assurance LLC. proceeds are donated to charitable tournament sponsors.
Questions? Email: or(919) 740-0173